Marketing Consultancy Services

A business brand is an identity, a marker setting a business product and/or service apart and is easily identified through logos, messages, colors and treatment of customers. Onekana Marketing explores the brand extremes to best bring them out into the market through:

Brand Activation

Brand activation as a common techniques of brand management. By using experiential marketing to generate consumer interest by allowing consumers to use a product or experience a service. In this way, the brand's value is "activated," or realized by the consumer, who then connects the value given with the brand and walks away with a strong and memorable impression. A core of consumers will have a strong, favorable opinion about the business because of personal interaction and will spread this opinion among others.

Experiential Marketing

Our experiential marketing concepts take advantage of activities that any consumer can participate in to best sell the experience of the products. In experiential marketing, the aims do not need to be as specific and the "experience" does not need to be directly related to marketing claims. Let your product do the talking through us.

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